Friday, July 4, 2014

June 30-July2, Day 45-47?, Fairbanks. Mostly rain.

On the way to Fairbanks.  Great spot, great view, great weather, I could stay right here all day.

Our campsite along the Chena River.  This time around they do have chocolate (dark) and graham crackers to go with the marshmallows, Wanda.
So good and so messy!

Okay, let's give this a try.  I remember doing this with Benny and we were't too thrilled about it.  I think I like this basket better than the one Lana used before.

Lana and Chuck took a bus tour of Fairbanks and included was a trip to the Alaskan Pipeline. It zig zags from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez.  Each structure has a slide so the pipe can move with the thousands of minor earthquakes that occur every year.  52% of the pipe is above ground and the rest is below ground.  
Going under.

Then it started to rain.  Lana though a drive to the North Pole (a little town south of Fairbanks) might be fun.  The shopping wasn't too bad but, really, isn't this suppose to be snow?

This is not fun!  Lana noted that at least I got to show off my new raincoat----big deal.

We did find somebody that didn't mind the rain.
Hold your (wet) tail high and keep it a waggin'

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