Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Denali Day 41-43 Nice, some rain.

Denali was a destination trip in itself.  As you know Mt. McKinley (native name is Denali, "the tall one" is the tallest mountain in North America.  What you probably don't know is you are most likely not going to see it.   It is so huge it makes it's own weather.  We only got a glimpse of part of the mountain, and we were lucky at that.  I'll get to the geographic side of things in a minute.

First things first.........for dog lovers only!
Denali Park Service dogs.  The only Nat'l Park with a mushing team.  Again they are "working" dogs.  There is a noticeable difference with these dogs when compared to the racing teams.  The park ranger explained that these guys are like the "football players" and the racing teams are like the "marathoners".  Theses guys are bred to pull loads and run a more consistent slower speed.  And like the marathoners, they love, LOOOVE their job.  They have a total of 33 dogs.

Dreaming of the trail....

Some of these dogs like to swallow rocks so they're the ones in a chain linked fence.

Again the lucky ones got chosen for the demo.  The handlers have to carry the dogs by their collar because the dogs are too strong for them if they're on all fours. Note in the background the dogs that want to go are straining at their leashes and barking like crazy.

Raring to go!

A wanna be. (And she can have it.  I'm just satisfied with my own job of master pet.

Denali....to be con's,
Hold your tail high and keep it a waggin'

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